

Hey y’all, John Duffin here…DuffinMedia.

Welcome to your Finish Line Friday.

We’re finishing strong.

Here’s your three word Mantra… Learning…Practice…Willingness

In voiceover. I keep learning.

Yeah, it’s great to have the experience that I’ve been lucky enough to have

but the truth of the matter is…you got to keep learning to improve.

I’m a big Roger Love fan.

I’m on an all weekend webinar learning how to get better.

I also just got done with the physical…breathing techniques with

Susanne Sulby.

It’s really exciting to me to keep improving

so that I can be better for you.

That’s how you deliver. Again…voiceover, like most other things…

learning, practice willingness, and you’ll get better.

Have a great weekend. We will finish strong. Bye.

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Content Branded by JOHN DUFFIN

John Duffin Media

Running your Voiceovers to the finish

John Duffin, long time award-winning broadcast executive laces up his shoes for your next voiceover victory. From a marathon long-form narration, to a six second tag sprint, John has the energy and endurance to go the extra mile!

John Duffin | [email protected] | (215) 28O-5426