I AM A CHAMPION! …in voiceover, we send you a finished product. You don’t want to hear my POPS and PLOSIVES!?!? Sorry.We clean up the audio…and send you a perfect finished product. Well… that also goes with my content too. Go to DuffinMedia.com click READ JOHN… and you’re going to learn more about this feature……
Tips, techniques, strategies…to keep us muscling through a given week. As we’re running your voiceovers to the finish, we’re also muscling through the following…Auditions, Podcast, Lead Generation……
Welcome to your Finish Line Friday…Tips to help us we’re going to finish this week strong! TRY SOMETHING NEW TO CHALLENGE YOU…after you give yourself a chance if you find it would be easier to delegate… do it!…

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John Duffin Media

Running your Voiceovers to the finish

John Duffin, long time award-winning broadcast executive laces up his shoes for your next voiceover victory. From a marathon long-form narration, to a six second tag sprint, John has the energy and endurance to go the extra mile!